Tuesday, July 10, 2007

And yet, another title-less post:-) It getting better and better...
So I am now in Hoi An, a small town by the river side and the ocean.
It is well famous for its tailors- there are over 200 tailors and clothes shops. I promised myself I won't cave in and get some stuff made- and of course, I failed miserably- I guess that's where my feminine side kick in. I am getting 3 pairs of pants, 3 skirts and a coat, and trust me- It's NOTHING compared to the wardrobes other people are getting. Insane!
Other than that, the town is pretty mellow- it has a nice "old town" thing going on by the riverside, where one can find restaurants, shops, and of course- lots and lots of tailors. I must say it is rather pretty.
Today I decided to check out the beach- oh man, what a beach. It is located about 3 KM from town, which I gladly biked to until I almost fainted from the heat, but it was so nice, and peaceful, and quite surprisingly uncrowded at all. I spent about an hour and a half- until it had to start raining... Yeah, Murphy is getting a real kick out of this one.
Also, I am glad to say that I finished "Lost In Translation" (nice, but not the best) and that I finally found someone to swap books with, and will be reading "The Kite Runner", which I must admit- I started once and never got to finish. So that's exciting! And I am such a geek. But who cares?
Tomorrow evening I will be heading toward Nha Trang- a good 12 hours bus ride.. But it should be amazing, so I am looking forward to it.
So, that sums up this addition of "My traveling- why would anyone care? I don't know, but what the hell".
oh, yes- still no photos. sigh.

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