Monday, October 13, 2008

India,here I come!

Man, it sure has been a while.... anyway, a lot has happened in the past year since I got back- got back home, started Uni, striked, worked, striked some more, lived and all the rest of the blah blah.
However, it so happens that I am leaving for Sri-Lanka and India in two days. Will be traveling with La Famillia for two weeks (and a day. horray fot that!). The master plan is as follows- 3 days in Sri Lanka, and then Kerala- a province in southern India, where my dad was born and grew up (what in outstanding coincidence). He is rather excited about the trip (and umm, so are the rest of us).. So I hope I'll find the time to update my traveling blog, but since it'll be rather short and very intense- I am not sure it'll happen.
so meanwhile- Happy Sukkot people!


neonspecs said...

postcard! postcard! postcard!

Sivan said...

address, address, address!

ReadDanceBliss said...

Postcard, postcard! AND... I had no idea your dad grew up in India! Very interesting. So did my stepmom... her father was a rabbi there. Maybe they knew each other? :)

ReadDanceBliss said...

Both of you - Sivan's link to Laura's blog, at right - it's broken, spelled wrong. Thought you might like to know.
this has been a public service announcement brought to you by

neonspecs said...

oh, then, Fix it! fix it! Fix it! hahah

Sivan said...

thanks E! will be taken care of. ask your step mom if she is kochini. if she is, won't be surprised if they are somehow related. all kochini jews are:-)
and postcards going twice!