On Tuesday, after I got back from the forbidden city, I decided to go with a few people to the "bar Strip". I don't know which of them to count as the under-estimation of the week- the "bar" part or the "strip"- it's like 5 crappy places with very expensive beer.
Later we went to a dance club. I felt I was raising the age average, and Zohar (an Israeli girl I met here) and me kept mocking drunk western girls dancing. Also some kind of fun.
Yesterday I decided I am going to get lost in Beijing- I just left with no map or guide and walked- and ended up going to a really cool shopping mall and an awesome food court that had things that I actually eat. Now that doesn't happen very often. So cool...
Later I decided to go to an acrobat show with a couple of Israelis- only we got there too late so we decided to skip and go back. So I guess I can say I spent the afternoon "exploring". Yeah right.
At the evening a bunch of us went to the food market. Oy Gevult. There are booths all over the place with stuff like worms, scorpions, snakes, cow stomach, sea horse, star fish, octopus and many more of the little mermaid's gang, as well as stuff like chicken, pork and I'm pretty sure I spotted a dog, which gives a whole new connotation to the song "How much is the doggy in the window". EEEWWWW!!!! The smell at the place is just delightful.
One of the gang was a dutch guy who ate a grasshopper- now that's just wrong, Pinocchio will be very mad. He said it actually tasted rather good, only a few minutes later he started to have an allergic reaction to it. I of course, started panicking, and he was all so cool about it- he wanted to stop at McDonald and have a cheeseburger. Well he did, and a few minutes later his face went back to normal. Lesson to be learned kids- make sure you are not allergic to grasshopper BEFORE eating it. And if you do- have a cheeseburger, if it won't kill ya, it'll make you better.